Canon G3010 and HP 419

Canon G3010 vs HP 419

Are you having trouble deciding between the Canon G3010 and the HP 419 printer?

 With an easy-to-understand comparison table, I’ll help you decide the best one between Canon G3010 and HP 419.

Similarities Between Canon G3010 and HP 419

Let us find the similarities Canon G3010 vs HP 419.

PrinterCanon G3010HP 419
Print Resolution4800 X 1200 (dpi)4800 X 1200 (dpi)
Print TechnologyInkjetInkjet
Auto Duplex PrintNoNo
Automatic Document FeederNoNo
App SupportYesYes
LCD DisplayYesYes
FunctionsColour Print, Scan, CopyColour Print, Scan, Copy
ConnectivityUSB, Wi-Fi (Wireless)USB, Wi-Fi (Wireless)
Compatible DevicesSmartphonesSmartphones
Ideal usageHome and Small officeHome and Small office
Scanner TypeFlatbedFlatbed
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Both printer Canon G3010 and HP 419 have same print resolution. Auto duplex print and automatic document feeder is not available on both the printer.

Both printer supports wire and wireless connections which is good.

Difference Between Canon G3010 and HP 419

Let us find the differences between Canon G3010 vs HP 419.

PrinterCanon G3010HP 419
Cost Per Page (Black)9 Paise10 Paise
Cost Per Page (Colour)32 Paise20 Paise
Pages Per Minute (Black)8.88
Pages Per Minute (Colour)55
Print Capacity6000 (Black Pages) or
7000 (Colour Pages)
15,000 (Black Pages) or
6000 (Colour Pages)
Scanner Resolution600 X 1200 (dpi)1200 X 1200 (dpi)
Maximum Print Size68 X 22 (cm)21.6 X 35.5 (cm)
Printer Size (W x D x H)44.5 x 33 x 16.3 (cm)52.5 x 31 x 15.8 (cm)
Mac OS SupportNoYes
Weight6.3 kg4.6 kg
Launch DateFeb 2018April 2018
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Cost Per Page

It costs 1 paise more to print black on an HP 419 than it does on a Canon G3010, and 12 paise more for colour prints. In terms of cost, the Canon G3010 is clearly the winner.


When compared to the Canon G3010, the HP 419 scans with a high resolution. so HP 419 is the winner.  

Mac OS

  Canon G3010 does not support Mac OS, while HP 419 does. 

Maximum Print Size 

Canon G3010 has a max print size of 68 X 22 cm whereas an HP 419 can print up to 21.6.6 X 35.5 cm. The Canon G3010 is clearly the winner.


Does Canon G3010 have Wi-Fi?

The Canon G3010 is compatible with Wi-Fi. 

Does Canon G3010 support Mac?

  The printer Canon G3010 does not support Mac OS.  

Bottom Line

  Which one should I choose between the Canon G3010 and HP 419? I would select HP 419 over Canon G3010 for the following reasons

  • Cost Per Page.
  • Scanner Resolution.
  • Maximum Print Size.